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Insulation Installation

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Top Shelf Insulation

Your Trusted Insulation Contractor

Looking for a licensed contractor to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient? Top Shelf Insulation is the leading insulation contractor in Omaha and surrounding counties.  We will take the time to sit down with you and go over the issues you are having. We do a thorough inspection, locate the problem areas, and discuss them with you-- we truly enjoy educating our clients on the process. Top Shelf Insulation takes pride in doing the job the correct way to ensure you're getting what you paid for. We don't just put a Band-Aid on the issues, we fix them. Call us today, and let’s get your house more comfortable and help save you money on your energy costs.

About Us

A Local Expert, Committed to Excellence

Since 2019, Top Shelf Insulation has been leading the insulation industry by going above and beyond. We provided clients with a wide range of services for all their home efficiency needs. Whether you’re looking to insulate an existing space, a garage, crawl space or retrofit your entire home, we’re happy to help you achieve the results you seek. Contact us today to receive a free estimate.

Insulation Installation in Room

Our Services

Air Sealing


Air sealing is a proven technic to keep unwanted air from inside your home from going into nonliving spaces, like your attic. By stopping the air from moving freely you also stop the air from being drawn into the home. That keeps the dust and allergens down helping make a healthier living environment. This also keeps the air hot or cold air you pay for inside the house. In turn lowering your heating and cooling costs and making your house more comfortable. This also prolongs the life of your HVAC system by allowing it work more effectively. there are many benefits to this process.

Garage Insulation

Garage Design Consultation

You might not know this but, your garage is not required by code to be insulated. They consider it nonliving space. Well, I can ensure you if you are like me, then you spend a lot of time in the garage. We are more than happy to assist you in being able to spend more time comfortably in there.

Crawl Spaces

Crawl space fully encapsulated with thermoregulatory blankets and dimple board. Radon miti

Crawl spaces are notorious for being inefficient. Not to mention dirty and most of the time full of spiders and critters. There are several ways to get that space cleaned up as well as sealed up. Let our specialists help you get that space more efficient.

Insulation Detail

My Specialties

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Cape Cod Style Homes

If you've ever lived in a Cape Cod style home, then you know how hard it is to keep the upstairs comfortable. Either its hot in the summer or cold in the winter. There are many reasons why, and we'd be more than happy to fix the issues and turn that unused space into a year round useable area. 

Rim Joist

Most people don't think about how cold the floors get until winter comes. Most likely it's the rim joist. If you don't know what that is, you're not alone. It’s the part of the house that sits on the basement walls. it holds the flooring joists in place. They can be sealed up with closed cell foam and that will stop any airflow moving through. That keeps the floors warmer and saves you money on your heating and cooling cost. I always recommend this if we can get to it. that combined with air sealing really stops the air from moving through your home.

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Dense Packing walls or ceilings

Dense packing is a process using pneumatically forced cellulose into a cavity or wall space. this packs the cellulose insulation into the wall cavity insulating it and air sealing. It’s the one thing we have found is that it works great for those uncomfortable bedroom's above the garage, the sloped walls in a cape cod, and so much more. Let our experts come out and see how we can take care of that for you.

Attic Ventilation

Did you know your attic needs to breath? Attic ventilation is often overlooked, and it can cause some bad issues. Humidity from your home gets caught up there in the winter and that causes moisture to build up on the roof deck, most of the time causing black mold to grow and flourish. It’s also the reason you get ice dams on the eves of your home. And a hot attic in the summer. It causes your asphalt shingles to deteriorate and often voids any warranty your shingles have. By having the proper attic ventilation and appropriate insulation you can rest assured you won’t have any of the above-mentioned issues. 

By adding more soffit vents and using baffles we can make your attic breath again. Let us show you how. 

Image by Sebastian Herrmann
Image by NASA

Who I Am

I am an educator, a problem solver, and a craftsman. People often ask me why do I do this dirty job? It’s hot and dirty or cold and dirty, it's tight spaces and uncomfortable conditions. The reason is I enjoy making people’s homes more comfortable. I've been in the construction business for 30 years and I've done everything from pour concrete, industrial painting, to electrical work. I was offered a spot in a building science course about 8 years ago and it was fascinating to say the least.  I was hooked. I've always been trying to do my part to save the environment and one of the biggest factors in the energy use worldwide is inefficient homes and businesses. 

I took every course I could and read everything I could find on home efficiency. I then put it to use in 2018 working for an insulation contractor and then opened TSI in 2019. 


My goal is to provide top quality workmanship, and excellent customer service. We take the time to educate the customer as to what is the issue and how we plan to fix it. We use proven technics and quality materials to make your home efficient, comfortable, and healthier. 

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